Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 13 - June 12, 2007

Finally!!! Micah is acting like a little boy!!!! This just HAPPENED! No prodding, no encouraging. He just took off!

Check out Micah crawling (click on the word crawling)

More later. We're going to dinner.

Ok, now for the complete entry. Micah woke up this morning with his nose still running laps around us. I decided to try the Benedryl on him. I figured it would serve two purposes - 1) make his nose dry up for a bit, and 2) be a test run for our flight on Friday to see if it would make him sleepy or hype him up. I gave it to him at 8:30. By 9:00 he was sound asleep on me at the breakfast table. Soooo, our morning was shot - back up to the room for him to sleep until 11:30! Todd then took him to the Swan Room - a nice, big playroom set up for all the newly adopted babies. Then I took over while Todd took a break. Micah still just kind of sat there sucking on his fingers and not doing anything. I finally got him to crawl about 18 inches.

Then it was time to meet our guide David. We headed out to the medical clinic here on Shamain Island for Micah's final medical exam. He passed with flying colors. I am posting the picture of his hearing test. Notice the little squeaky toy in the doctor's left hand. Squeak, squeak on the left side. Squeak, squeak on the right side. OK, he passes :) It was a pretty cursory exam - they listened to him breathe, checked his height and weight, did the squeak test and we were done. Micah was a champ the whole time.

Next - back to our room to fill out the rest of the paperwork for our Consulate Appointment. At one point I was sitting on the bed holding Micah, when David told me I had to sign something. I put Micah down next to me on his back, turned to sign the paper, turned back to Micah only to find him SITTING UP next to me facing the other direction. I of course made a big deal out of it, and he looked up at me with this huuuuuge grin on his face. Me, being a mom, immediately put him back down on his back to see if he would do it again. He was back up quick as lightning.
over to the desk (keep in mind that he has been a total blob for the past week and 2 days - no inclination to move what-so-ever).around, and found him bounding across the bed on hands and knees, smiling and laughing like chasing me was the best thing on earth. I took him right back up to thePretty soon I walked I heard him laughing like crazy, turned pillows, and set him loose again . . . and again . . . and again . . . and again . . . Pretty soon Todd and I changed places, and Micah crawled to him just like he did to me. I think that made the whole trip worthwhile for Todd! We got a couple cute videos of it, but evidently I can't figure out how to get them posted here. I will keep trying. Micah also discovered his shadow on the floor. He also was introduced to the fine art of being put upside down by Daddy.

Last, but not least, was dinner. David took us to a pretty fancy Cantonese restaurant. It was one that you walk in and are faced with a room full of tanks full of every kind of creature you can imagine. When we walked in and saw all of this (and smelled it), I was pretty sure that I wouldn't be eating.

However, we then walked back further, we found a beautiful restaurant with at least 5 different rooms full of tables. We were taken to 3 different tables before David was happy with our seats. He explained that the cost of the meal was affected by where we sat. The first table was in the "tea room" section, and the second table was too expensive. Now it was time to order. I told Todd I wanted to eat snake, but they didn't have any out when he and David went out to order our food. I had to trust the two guys - yikes! Time to guess what we had . . .

Dinner proved to be scallops (on the clam shells), shrimp (the whole thing!), sweet and sour pork (not pictured), sticky rice (looks like salmon steaks), water spinach (my new favorite veggie! not pictured), and the house specialty - pidgeon!! (the small, brown, chicken-looking things)


Sam said...

YUM!!! The pidgeon is tasty!!! So glad Micah is out of his shell!!! Sounds like he is a perfect fit for your family. Can't wait to meet him!!!

Clurt said...

I remember the day Andrew suddenly started walking. We were in the lobby of the hotel in Fuzhou. We thought he couldn't walk, then POW, he was walking.

We're still waiting for a pic from Lucy's!


Clurt said...

O.K., I have to admit...we've been spending more time looking at pictures than reading the verbiage. It was Sarah who noticed "Lucy's" in the text. I take back the closing comment in my previous post.

Our girls are very excited about Micah...they're hovering over the computer as I type!