Hmmmm, looking at that title, I'm feeling a little creepy . . . most people put "school" and "itchy heads" together and come up with lice! In this case, that would be a most incorrect correlation :)
Three of the kiddies started back to school yesterday. Sofia is in the 5th grade (when did she get so big?), Peter is in the 3rd grade, and little Molly started KINDERGARTEN! We took the obligatory first day of school picture at the front door. This year we somehow managed to add the "gansta" pose, as well. Looking at that shot makes me wonder how I managed to get them into the car and off to school. Truth be told, when I got out of the shower at 7:00 AM, all three were up, dressed, hair combed, beds made and breakfast nearly done! We didn't need to leave the house until nearly 8:00. Ahhh, if it would only last. Today, I had to wake up Molly at 7:10, and drag Sofia out of bed at 7:15 . . . Peter had a repeat of yesterday. They all had a great time yesterday, so I have high hopes for a great year.
OK, now for the itchy head. I finally managed to capture a shot of Micah scratching the top of his head with his toes at the dinner table. My other monkeys think it's hilarious, so . . .
monkey see, monkeys do.